Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sisters how did we let this happen?

i am so tired of visiting nail salons owned by you know who that treats us like crap! same thing with hair care stores you know who, is following us around like theives before we can even step foot in the store. and its not like this in certain areas ive been everywhere between georgia and arkansas and its the same thing!everywhere. we need to find out what we have to do in order to have control of the hair and nail products that mean so much to us!! ladies im not crazy i do know how important looking good is to us but sometimes we have to be sacraficial to make a point. shop less at these places or not at all if possible most importantly less take these places over like it was in the beginning!! "they" are making so much money off of us. "they" are getting rich off of us!! "we" are being treated like crap and being given their @$$ to kiss. lets change this! who are they to look down on us.Big NOBODIES!!dont forget if we dont change it now our daughers and sons will be treated the same

Sisters how did we let this happen?

i posted something about this last month check it out. but i feel the same many want the money but not the customers we allow this too often and you never see those cheap type of businesses anywhere else besides our areas

Sisters how did we let this happen?

I don't wear make-up, don't color my beautiful greying hair, and do my own nails!

Sorry...can't help!

Sisters how did we let this happen?

Um, not sure who you are referencing by "you know who" (Voldermort?). Seriously though, if someone starts following you around, turn around and politely ask them if there is something that they needed. If they continue to follow you around, politely ask them why they are doing that.

You hit the nail on the head, just tell them that since you are being treated so rudely, you are going to take your business somewhere else. If you go to the same place each time you need something, you will be known as a regular and hopefully have a better experience.

I am not sure I am comfortable with the not so subtle undertones of your rant. You do realize that by using "they" you are being just as bad as "they" are don't you?

Sisters how did we let this happen?

Someone is always getting rich off somebody else. Also regardless of race, someone will always feel inferior or superior to others. It's the way of th world and it will never change. Although it seems there are biger problems than worrying about equality for hair and nail products!

Sisters how did we let this happen?

They are buying all the homes now that are going into foreclosure as well.

Oops! Sorry. I am not supposed to feel that way!

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