Friday, November 20, 2009

Is there any way to restore split ends?

is there any kind of special shampoo or hair care products that will help or will I just have to cut my hair?

Is there any way to restore split ends?

sorry but you wil have to cut it.. im 13 and i have only had 2 haircuts my whole life..the first one was just a trim...about 2 months ago....the second one was a real cut...cutting ALL the damage off...and it got as short as my shoulders..but thats only when goes all the way up to the bottom of my ears when curly....i have tried every possible way to rid the damage on my hair...but u cant. the ends of your hair are DEAD...they will never live just cut it off. trust me..u may not like the length when your done...but u will have alot less stress now that ur hair is healthy again.

Is there any way to restore split ends?

Well I used to sit their and snip just the ends one at a time instead of the whole length,you'd be surprised it helps....

Is there any way to restore split ends?

The best way to get rid of split ends is to get your hair cut... Otherwise, they will only continue to get worse.

Is there any way to restore split ends?

i think all you can do is get a trim! sorry!

Is there any way to restore split ends?

cut ur hair and stay natural

or try some hair weaves so u won't damage ur hair

Is there any way to restore split ends?

You could try this first it's called the baggie method wash and condition your hair as normal and then put your hair in a ponytail then you take some olive oil and saturate your ponytail take a plastic bag place it over your ponytail and place a rubber band or something to secure it. leave this on your hair for as long as possible at least an hour or two then rinse your hair out well condition your hair again with some regular conditioner and when you rinse that out you should see a big difference. Good luck

Is there any way to restore split ends?

i see a lot of people getting around with split ends its a personal choice i guess to get them cut or not The best decision would be to cut the split ends as they can travel up the whole hair shaft!

Is there any way to restore split ends?

no, you just have to cut them off,

or you can try and use hair serum cos it kind of helps

Is there any way to restore split ends?

Yes, Reviews on Shen Min reflect a promising effect of this hair supplement to maximize hair regrowth for both men and women. Shen Min hair helps in achieving full, lustrous, healthy hair, and facilitates you to prevent and get rid of grey hair without any need for dyes. For more information visit:

Rogaine is the brand name for minoxidil. Minoxidil is in the class of drugs called hair growth stimulants. Rogaine works on your hair follicles, rather than on the hair. Rogaine efficiently stimulate hair growth on the bald spot of the back of the head in men. In women, Rogaine can boost hair growth in the forehead areas. For more information visit:

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