Friday, November 20, 2009

How do I get rid of split ends?

I have had them for years, and no matter how often I condition or trim it, I always find split ends in my hair, and a whole bunch of them. I belive I got them a few years ago due to the fact that I used too much hair care products. Any suggestions?


God bless you


How do I get rid of split ends?

just keep on trimming split ends

How do I get rid of split ends?

u should go cut ur hair then if u wanna style it u should use oil..u can buy them at beauty stores Report It

How do I get rid of split ends?

Number one: Cut them off.

Next: Take better care of your knots and tangles that you have to brush out, breaking your hair.

How do I get rid of split ends?

Split ends are the ends of hair that dont align nicely right? Well, I have this problem too since like 3 years ago.

I'm also interested in hearing other people's answers to your question ^_^

How do I get rid of split ends?

The cheapest route to go is to use SUNSILK TLC it comes in a pink bottle...I was just like u I had then all over it looked like i put my finger in a light socket. Then my stylist told me about that...Ive been using it for months and my hair is sooooooo much better I dont even have one split end...I love it...and just to let you know what kind of hair I have...I cant even dye my wont work. My hair cannot keep anything but this stuff and it works and smells great...Good luck

How do I get rid of split ends?

You should cut it off at least two inches every month to prevent split ends.

plus, use mild shampoos, maybe the one you are currently using right now isn't for you.

Stay away from the heat of the sun, as it will dry your hair and i guess will cause split ends as well.

How do I get rid of split ends?

i had them really bad too at one point and there is this pantene u can get for extensive hair damage, its really impressed.. another thing i think you should do, instead of trimming it yourself is go to the shop and get it done because beauticians can see how extensive the breakage is and they know how to trim it so your hair can get back on the road of recovery..once you let the shop do it once, if you dont feel like spending the money, do it yourself every 2-3 weeks and your hair should grow back, longer, thicker and healthier..good luck

How do I get rid of split ends?

You can't repair split ends - you have to cut them off. As preventatives, try to limit your use of dryers and straighteners, consult your hair dresser as to the best products for your hair type, and invest in some good quality brushes and tools. And trim regularly.

How do I get rid of split ends? said you have had them for years which leads me to think 2 things...

...either 1: when you get trims or cuts you don't get enough hair taken off so in actuality it's like you are still holding onto the same old damaged hair...and it needs to go so that the new growing hair doesn't split right along with it...split ends work up the hair shaft so if they aren't cut to begin with it will seem like your hair is constantly getting split ends...

...or 2: you are getting frequent and adequate trims but it's what you are doing to your hair that is causing split ends...are you constantly putting heat on your hair, dying it, wearing it in styles that put extra stress on the ends...?...find one good product and stick with it then cut down on the heat usage...use something geared toward your hair type...if you have natural and thin hair don't buy something for limp and colored hair you know...

How do I get rid of split ends?

I agree wit whose above me (don't know her name). The only way to truely get rid of split ends is to cut them off. I was getting my regular trims but I noticed my ends were still bad. So, this past weekend for my birthday, I cut all that damaged hair off. My hair was 5 inches past my shoulders, now it's above my neck. Yeah, I cried. But, that hair had to go. Drink lots of water and try ur damnest not to put heat on ur hair. I'm in Iraq right now, so it's very easy to do that. The only heat put to it is when the Filiponos do it at the shop when they trim my hair. Also, try to find a product for ur ends. When they're dry they're easier to split. They most have moisture at all times. I use Prefectiv healthy Ends daily Strengthener. Actually, I use the whole Profectiv Mega Growth Line. And Wild Growth Hair Oil. Make sure you keep your trims up too. Once a month should just about do it. Once u see the growth u could probably go to every 6 weeks but try not to exceed 2 months.

How do I get rid of split ends?

Did you ever hear of this one "Satinique庐 Hair Repair Masque".It is the best to get rid of split ends.I had lots of them ,but now i dont have them.Split ends will not promote hair growth.What i suggest you is to go for this one "Satinique庐 Hair Repair Masque", It helps Up to an 85% reduction in split ends after one use.The one hair repair masque that deeply penetrates and restructures damaged hair in as little as 10 minutes. Repairs, strengthens, and protects in one use.

Product Description

This deep-penetrating treatment works in as little as 10 minutes to mend split ends, tame the frizzies, and repair structural damage to the hair. It contains the highest concentration of the exclusive Ceramide Infusion System, clinically proven and guaranteed to repair, strengthen, and protect your hair in just one use. Use weekly, or as needed, to maintain healthy-looking, well-behaved hair.

IT is one of the best selling products around the globe.Do email me at, for more info visit

How do I get rid of split ends?

well first of all don't use alot of hair products. Get a haircut wash it really good and put a conditioner and also try oil, if you straighten your hair don't do it often that's the main reason for split ends. I have had them to! do just use mosse or hairspray when you do your hair.

How do I get rid of split ends? need to cut your hair then grow it back healthy again..mainly with a good leave in conditioner..thats really the only way..ask any pro.

How do I get rid of split ends?

My God some of these answers are too much.

Split ends must be cut off to prevent them from spreading up the hair shaft. They CANNOT be mended. CUT OFF 2 INCHES A MONTH!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! Just a trim every 4 to 6 weeks will be enough. My guess is that you don't visit a salon very often and that will be the cause of your split ends. Life is hard on hair and the ends keep getting older so you need to look after them.

How do I get rid of split ends?

get your ends clip often as ever 3 months.

How do I get rid of split ends?

go get a trim

How do I get rid of split ends?

1. trim your ends

2. use extra conditioner on the ends of your hair

**^this works really well i do this one!^**

3. handle your hair with care!

4. don't use intense heat products on your hair

5. if your hair isn't too oily use certain oils to treat and prevent breakage.

**^Fantasia hair polisher heat protector straitening serum works well^**

6. When you get knots in your hair carefully work them out

7. don't perm or color your hair often

*some of these won't TREAT your split end but they will make them NOT AS NOTICABLE!!!*

hope I helped!!!

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