Friday, November 20, 2009

Does anyone else think that the media is being used to exploit and profit from our vanity?

Think about it, how much money is made off of skin care products.. or hair care products, gym memberships, make up, plastic surgery.

Does anyone else think that the media is being used to exploit and profit from our vanity?

That is why marketing budgets have increased in recent years.

We absorb alot

Does anyone else think that the media is being used to exploit and profit from our vanity?

well . . . duh! you raise good points. advertisers do, in fact, use vanity to sell products. they seek to cultivate it as well, by showing images of unusually attractive people and making people feel insecure. then they imply that their product is the way to fix yourself, to make you attractive. and when it doesn't work-- because they'll still be showing all those images-- they just try to sell you something new.

Does anyone else think that the media is being used to exploit and profit from our vanity?

The media is being used by Businesses to exploit us.

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