Friday, November 20, 2009

How can i take care of hair with two different textures in it???

i'm in the process of growing out my hair from relaxer and i'm finding it really difficult to manage with the two textures. i am bi-racial and have about 1" of natural hair at the moment which is really thick textured maybe between a 3c and 4a also depending on which cart your following. i'm just really unsure of any products i can use in my hair during the transition to prevent breakage. does any one have any good pointers?

How can i take care of hair with two different textures in it???

all you need to know about growing afro hair and taking care of two texture hair .......... .................. is at this web for free

How can i take care of hair with two different textures in it???

Yah know i would actually suggest you just get zillions. i was trying to grow my hair out and thats what i did. just make sure your braids arent to small or to tight. dealing with 2 hair textures of hair may be difficult so maybe zillions wold be the way to go?

How can i take care of hair with two different textures in it???

well for hair of texture i'd say go with pantene for women of color i use it and other girls i know of other races it does help.I do agree with the latter about braids they do help and you don't have to worry about it everyday

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