Friday, November 20, 2009

Home Perm Question:?

I have a great hair cut, however, no matter how many quality hair care products I use, I don't seem to be able to have my hair hold a style without going totally flat for longer than an hour. I would like to perm it to give it question: Since I am having a great deal of difficulty getting the perm papers onto my hair and rolling it straight, can I use small, medium or large size "velcro like" rollers and obtain the body I am looking for? Or am I just wasting my time trying to achieve something that isn't possible with the method I propose to use?

Home Perm Question:?

You need to use the rods provided if you use different curlers they can hold more perm solution and it could ruin your hair. Ask a friend or relative to help you I couldn't do a perm on myself and I don't think you should do it alone. Good luck

Home Perm Question:?

i would advise just going to a salon to get it done. yes it costs a lot more but it willl probably turn out a lot better. If you used a different kind of curler at home it wouldnt work. also, my hair hold styles terribly. but i got a perm and it is sooooooo much better.

Home Perm Question:?

velcro rollers create damage.

ive done it, YUCK

you have to go to a salon.

most salons guarantee there work.

there is no fixing a bad home perm.

go to a salon.

its you looks your worth it

go to a salon

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