Friday, November 20, 2009

Has any one heard of duelle professionals?

I need to know about the best natural hair care products for african (black) hair.

Has any one heard of duelle professionals?

I have heard of it but to the best of my knowledge it isn't available in the USA. I believe it is sold in South Africa and maybe neighboring countries. I haven't heard much of a rave of it since it isn't available stateside. But IMO the best natural hair products for Black/African hair is the ones you make yourself from plants, like shea butter (too heavy IMO), olive oil or butter (I love products that contains it, even the oil), jojoba oil (very light oil for those with fine hair), henna, neem, tea tree oil, coconut oil, amla oil, bhrinja (misspelled) oil, etc. Check out for some ideas.

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