Friday, November 20, 2009

Half curly half straight?

i had super curly, not so healthy hair and got a the yukio system done (japanses perm -for straight hair-) hair health wise, people said it was the best way to go.. but... they messed up! and had to do it twice in a day! it totally fried my hair, and then i had to quit my job and couldn't really afford to buy hair care products... i did the best i could though, and now it has started to grow out, its half curly half straight, but it is still in bad condition, how might i start to make it healthy again? i really want to get the japanses perm done again, at a more reliable place of course, its getting to be a pain, i have to straighten it with a straightening iron every after-shower because its growing out curly again, now i have half curly half straight hair. what methods or products do you suggest to make me healthy again? _symptoms include:split ends, breakage,frizzyness,dry,discoloration from dryness... :'( *tears*

Half curly half straight?

I have also had the Japanese straightener. My hair was half curly, half straight for a while untill it grew out natural. I would not recommend getting the straightener done a second time. It is way too damaging. I only had it done once and my hair felt like straw. A good shampoo and conditioner is Kerastase in the fucsia pink bottles.

Half curly half straight?

cute!!! I have hair like that!

Half curly half straight?

i like straight better i think it looks hot

Half curly half straight?


Half curly half straight?

a mild shampoo and a good conditioner.... your hair will continue growing in curly until you perm it agiam, but keep in mind that you will have to keep perming because with all new growth you will have this problem.

if you need help email me.....

Half curly half straight?

I use Neutrogena now. A few years ago I had my hair dyed "walnut cherry", it was done badly and half washed out. In order to go back to a normal color, I had it bleached 3 times and spent months as a pink hued blonde. They had me buy Bed Head Dumb Blonde and Matrix Deep Restoration conditioner (available at Target). The Matrix conditioner I would leave in overnight and wear a shower cap to bed to keep my hair moist. In the morning I would reshampoo and recondition my hair. It worked pretty well.

Half curly half straight?

try Biolage shampoo and conditioner.. i get it at my local beauty supply store. i love it and it leaves my hair looking healthy and strong

Half curly half straight?

Try and invest in a chi iron. They are the best straightening iron on the market and many salons use it. It wioll keep your hair straight until you wash it. even works good on ethnic hair..makes it look just like a perm.

Half curly half straight?

I work in a salon, and I have heard great things about Vidal Sassoon oil treatment. I would highly suggest not having any chemical treatments for a while. It will be hard and annoying, but your hair will thank you.

Half curly half straight?

leave your conditioner in your hair after a shower, take your hair towel, sprinkle a few spritz of water on it, not too much, stick it in a clean microwave for about a minute, maybe two, and wrap around your hair in your customary turban. this will pack a punch and give you a super deep conditioning treatment. After reheating the towel twice more, rinse out your hair and use a clean hair towel to air dry it. at this point stop... DO NOT REACH FOR THE HAIR DRYER. if you live in a place where you have snow, it's best to do this at night so your hair has ample time to dry before you go outside into the air.

Half curly half straight?

Your hair is now stressed out and damaged due to the bad perm. I would suggest not having the japanese perm done right away because you have to let your hair relax first. As for the half curly hair, if it really bothers you, you can just chop off the curly half because that is damaged hair already. I also bet that this is pretty obvious to the naked eye especially to those who know what beautiful healthy hair looks like and it would be better looking if you just take off the damaged part and let your hair grow.

Half curly half straight?

use a hair serum. it;; make your hair more shinier and moisturized without getting it too oily.

Half curly half straight?

ok heres some help if you want to get your hair back you have too invest in a few good products you have so much chemicals in your hair i would use k-pak intense repair its by joico great product deep cond at least 2 times a week rinse always with cool water you need a good cond .... for the curls to keep them fresh nor frizzy get Curls Rock by Catwalk its a part of the Bed Head line its about 13.95 smeels so good. if you use a flat iron always use a proctor in your hair matrix sleek look line called iron smoother is great also paul mitchell has heat seal try to use a ionic / ceramic flat iron not a cheap one the metal will just fry your hair more. dont perm again your hair will start falling why do i know about all this i work at a hair care company if you need help with any more products let me know there are so many out there you just got too find one that loves your hair aloha

Half curly half straight?

i spent $1500 on this class and products. that's why it's so expensive to have done. you are paying for education. that said, i must tell you this was a waste of time and money. the system doesn't work for sh..poot!

this system cannot be used in conjunction with any other chemical process. you need to get the old straight stuff cut out.

i'm a professional stylist. here's my suggestion:

go to salon that uses ISO perms. get old stuff cut off and do perm on EXTRA LARGE ( 1 - 1 1/2 inch) rods. this will pull out any kinky curls you have and you will still have bend in your hair. you can straighten it or just have it down and bouncy. once it grows out some you can perm over it because they ( iso ) have perm for previously permed hair.

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